The Best Funny Cold Weather Quotes For 2023

Best Funny Cold Weather Quotes: Winter is a fantastic and dreamy season of the year. Snowfall, colder weather, and fun activities bring benefits and drawbacks. There are a huge number of people who love winter very much. If you are looking for a social media caption or want a good laugh, read the following funny weather quotes, funny cold weather saying and captions, funny cold weather for Instagram, short winter quotes and others that are too cute to read and share with loved ones.

Best Funny Cold Weather Quotes For 2023

😍“Cold weather makes for great photography opportunities–you can get all the contrasting colors in the snow!”
😍“Cold weather is the perfect time to curl up with a good book.”
The Best Funny Cold Weather Quotes For 2023
😍“In cold weather, your toes will turn blue if you don’t keep them warm.”
😍“The colder the weather, the sharper people’s minds become.”
😍“The cold weather may be brutal, but at least it’s an excuse to wear cute winter accessories.”
😍“Warm drinks make you sweat, cold drinks make you shiver.”
😍“I’m not wearing a coat because it’s too hot outside–I’m wearing a coat because I’m cold outside.”
😍“If it’s below freezing, go outside and freeze to death.”
😍I always feel like a little kid again when I see the first snowfall of the season.”
The Best Funny Cold Weather Quotes For 2023
😍“The cold weather may be brutal, but at least it’s an excuse to wear cute winter accessories.”
😍“I can’t decide what’s worse – the freezing cold or the feeling of your nose thawing out after being outside.”
😍“Winter is the time to embrace your inner child and build the biggest snowman possible.”
😍“In the winter, the only thing that can pry me out of my warm bed is a delicious breakfast.”
😍“I have a love-hate relationship with winter sports – I love the adrenaline rush, but hate the potential for frostbite.”
😍“Winter fashion is all about the art of layering – the more layers, the better!”
😍“I love winter because it gives me an excuse to wear my cozy oversized sweaters.”
The Best Funny Cold Weather Quotes For 2023
😍“The best part about winter fashion? Boots, scarves, and hats can hide a bad hair day.”
😍“Winter is the perfect season to show off your collection of cute and cozy socks.”
😍“I may have to wear three jackets to stay warm, but at least I look like a stylish snowman.”
😍“The best way to stay warm in the winter? Invest in a quality pair of thermal underwear.”
😍“In the winter, my wardrobe becomes a game of ‘how many layers can I wear without looking like a walking closet.'”
😍“Winter style tip: always have a blanket scarf on hand to double as both a fashion accessory and a blanket.”
😍“Winter is the only season where wearing pajamas in public is socially acceptable – thanks, onesie trend.”
😍“Winter fashion can be summed up in one word: cozy.”
The Best Funny Cold Weather Quotes For 2023
😍“Winter is the season of accessorizing – hats, gloves, scarves, and earmuffs, oh my!”
😍“I may not be able to feel my fingers or toes, but at least my winter coat makes me feel like a superhero.”
😍“The best winter outfits are the ones that make you feel like you’re wrapped up in a warm hug.”
😍“The struggle of wearing a winter coat: feeling like you’re carrying around a sleeping bag all day.”
😍“Winter is the perfect excuse to indulge in all things fuzzy and furry.”
😍“The best part about winter fashion? You can hide your holiday weight gain under a chunky sweater.”
😍“When it’s cold outside, wear lots of layers so you can be as thin as possible and still stay warm.”
😍“When I was young, I loved summer and hated winter. When I got older I loved winter and hated summer. Now that I’m even older, and wiser, I hate both summer and winter.” -Jarod Kintz
😍“And some places you been before are so great that you don’t ever mind going back. Some places you been before you don’t ever want to go back, you know, like Montreal in the Winter.” -Morgan Freeman
The Best Funny Cold Weather Quotes For 2023
😍“No animal, according to the rules of animal-etiquette, is ever expected to do anything strenuous, or heroic, or even moderately active during the off-season of winter.” -Kenneth Grahame
😍“It was, you know, probably 80 degrees out in L.A., and my dad took me outside and there was snow. At the time, I thought, ‘Every kid doesn’t have snow in their backyard on Christmas?'” -Tori Spelling

Short Funny Quotes About Cold Weather

😍“Cold weather is just an excuse to wear cozy sweaters and drink hot cocoa.”
😍“Winter is nature’s way of saying, ‘Up yours.'” -Robert Byrne
Short Funny Quotes About Cold Weather
😍“Stay warm and don’t catch a cold.”
😍Nothing burns like the cold. – George R. R. Martin
😍With luck, it might even snow for us. – Haruki Murakami
😍“Winter is like a freezer on steroids.”
😍“You can’t get too much winter in the winter.” -Robert Frost
😍“The first snow is like the first love.” -Lara Biyuts
Short Funny Quotes About Cold Weather
😍“Every mile is two in the winter.” -George Herbert
😍“Winter: when ‘bundle up’ becomes a fashion statement.”
😍If it’s too warm to wear a coat, you’re a hot dog.
😍“To ski or not to ski, that is not a question.” -Unknown
😍“Mother nature needs a hot flash.” -Unknown
😍If you’re in a hurry, the weather is in your favor.
Short Funny Quotes About Cold Weather
😍“In the winter, I always feel like I need an extra layer… of skin.”
😍“Summer bodies are made in the winter.” -Krissy Turner
😍It’s a warm day if you see your breath.
😍“Winter: the season of chapped lips and static electricity.”
😍“When it’s cold outside, my bed becomes my best friend.”
😍I’m afraid the forecast is very bad – it’s going to be cold.
😍“I like my weather like I like my drinks – hot and steamy.”
😍I’m sorry, I’m wearing a winter hat.
😍“Winter is just Mother Nature’s way of telling us to hibernate.”
😍I’m not sure if it’s warm or cold out, but I think it’s winter.
Short Funny Quotes About Cold Weather
😍There are only two seasons – winter and Baseball. – Bill Veeck
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Short Funny Quotes About Winter

😍“Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.” 
😍“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.” 
😍I can’t get out of bed on days when the temperature is less than my age.
😍Paradise doesn’t have to be tropical.
😍Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
😍When it snows you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels.
😍Some people are worth melting for.
😍You don’t have to hibernate this winter.
😍October, November, cool, coool, cooooool, March, April.
😍“Sometimes I would like to be a child again, and other times a woman made of snow.”
😍“Blow, blow, thou winter wind Thou art not so unkind, As man’s ingratitude.”
😍“I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter.”
😍“There was a silver lining tucked into last weekend’s blizzard.”

Funny Cold Weather Quotes for Instagram

😍“Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.” – Victor Hugo
😍Winter and a log fire – perfect!
😍Winter is coming – House Stark
😍“The very fact of snow is such an amazement.” – Roger Ebert
😍“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” – Hal Borland
😍I'm so snow happy!

😍From snow angels to snowball fights, I just love winter!

😍It was love at frost sight
😍Just another day in paradise… or should I say, ‘winter wonderland'?
😍There's snow place like home
😍Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
😍“This crisp winter air is full of it.” – John Burroughs
😍Ice Ice Baby
😍Snow way! I'm not ready for winter
😍“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.” – William Blake
😍Hanging with the cool kids
😍“When snow falls, nature listens.” – Antoinette Van Kleeff
😍“Nothing burns like the cold.” – George R. R. Martin
😍Don't be such a snowflake!
😍“A man says a lot of things in summer he doesn’t mean in winter.” – Patricia Briggs

Funny Cold Weather for Facebook

😍Winter lies too long in country towns; hangs on until it is stale and shabby, old and sullen.
😍People say so many things in summer, they don’t actually mean in winter.
😍And finally, Winter, with its bitin’, whinin’ wind, and all the land will be mantled with snow.
😍I’m staying in shape this winter by wearing enough layers to be constantly sweating.
😍Love is hearing the weather forecast for a winter storm and wishing you could spend it in bed with your lover, it’s loneliness.
😍Taking Sips Of Coffee Lying In Cozy Bed With Blanket Around… Enjoying Winter.
😍Winter dies into the spring, to be born again in the autumn.
😍Winter is the season in which we try to keep the house as warm as it was in the summer when we complained about the heat.
😍I am so ready for Christmas movies and Christmas Songs and snow and all that other sappy amazing Winter stuff.
😍Dear Weather, Please stop being so cold. We don’t have hot girlfriends, We already have cold wives! With hot temper all husbands.
😍Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do – or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so.

Funny Whatsapp Status About Cold Weather

😍Let us Love winter, for it is the spring of genius.
😍It’s so good to feel the sweaters hugging your shivering body.
😍Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants.
😍My standards are dropping as quickly as the temperature.
😍Drink wine and eat beef. Stay warm!
😍Happiness is the first tracks on fresh snow.
😍Warm tea, good books, soft pillows, fine company.
😍Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood.
😍We are like a snowflake all different in our own beautiful way.
😍Dear Snuggie, I’m sorry for all of the times I made fun of you.
😍Hey baby it’s too cold outside.
😍Favorite thing about winter!!! Hugging.
😍You can’t get too much winter in the winter.

Funny Sayings About Cold Weather

😍I hate this weather!
😍“I can think of no better companion in a long, dark night than a good book.”
😍“The coldest winter I ever spent was the summer I met you.”
😍“Sometimes you have to take a licking before you know who you are.”
😍We’ll get through this together.
😍No matter how bad your winter was, I’m sure it was worse.
😍Don’t sweat the small stuff.
😍It’s too late for me, but it’s never too late for you.
😍“If you want a snowball’s chance in hell of surviving in this world, you’d better get yourself a good thick rug.” – The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
😍It’s cold outside, so put on some warm clothes!
😍If it wasn’t for my coat, I would be naked.
😍“The wind is bitter cold and
😍When you’re driving in freezing temperatures, don’t drive slowly.
😍If I didn’t have a hat, I’d go bald.
😍I hate winter because it makes me wear my sweater.
😍I’m going to turn into a snowman and take a nap.
😍“It’s freezing out there. Is it always this bad?”
😍“If you’re wearing fur, you’re too close to the fire.”

Watch Funny Winter Jokes and Puns

Funny Winter Jokes


Thank you for reading the “Best Funny Cold Weather Quotes” article. We hope you find your favorite funny quotes about cold weather that make you laugh.


  • Al-Ameen

    Al-Ameen is a content writer for Az Funny. He launched Az Funny to create a destination for you to visit anytime you need a laugh. Whether you’re looking for jokes, funny quotes, or funny names, Az Funny is the place to be. You can follow us on Pinterest or Instagram.

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