100+ Funny Chocolate Cake Jokes (Chocolate Chuckle Bonanza)

Cake jokes can make us laugh, smile, and appreciate the sweetness of life. Whether you’re a cake lover, a cake baker, or someone who enjoys a good chuckle, these articles are for you.

If you are looking for a funny chocolate cake joke, then this collection is for you. We have collected a list of chocolate cake jokes for bakers, teachers, lovers, parents and children of all ages. They’re great for birthday parties! that brightens your day and also makes you laugh.

Best Chocolate Cake Jokes

Are you looking for cake jokes? If yes, you have come to the right place. Without further ado! These are the best funny chocolate cake jokes that always make you laugh.

I've started calling my girlfriend names like Custard, Ice cream, Pudding, Chocolate cake, or Apple pie. I'm planning to desert her.
100+ Funny Chocolate Cake Jokes (Chocolate Chuckle Bonanza)
Chocolate cake is my soulmate, it completes me in every bite.
I love you more than chocolate cake, and that’s saying a lot!
I’m in a committed relationship with cake, it’s truly my sweetie.
Love is like a slice of cake, it’s sweet and always leaves you craving more.
A duck sees a pig eating something.

"What are you eating?" "A chocolate cake" "Why does it smell like shit then?" "I'm eating it for the third time"
Chocolate cake is the cure for a bad day, a broken heart, and everything in between.
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy chocolate cake, and that’s pretty close.
My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start...
So far I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already
Have your cake and eat it too, just don’t forget to share with me!
Why do Jews like chocolate cake?
 Because its really rich
I believe in chocolate cake for breakfast, because it’s never too early for happiness.
Some people say money can’t buy happiness, but have they tried buying chocolate cake?
100+ Funny Chocolate Cake Jokes (Chocolate Chuckle Bonanza)
Chocolate cake is a piece of heaven on a plate, and I’m ready to take a bite.
Look mom, I'm black!
A little boy sees his mom making a chocolate cake. While she's not looking, he paints his face black with the frosting. Happily, he says "Look Mom! I'm black!" The mom immediately whips his ass and says "Go show your father what you did!". The little boy walks to the living room and says "hey...look dad...I'm...I'm black." The father flips out and whips his ass even more. "Go show your grandfather what you did!" The little boy slowly makes his way on to the front porch and says "hey...grandpa...look....I'm black..." and Grandpa jumps his shit worse than his parents. "Now go back to your mother!"

The little boys slowly walks back in the kitchen and the mother says "Did you learn your lesson?"

The boy says "Damn right I did! I've only been black for like 5 minutes and I HATE you motherfuckers!"

Funny Chocolate Cake Jokes

These are the funny chocolate cake jokes that make your face smile.

Chocolate cake: where indulgence meets pure bliss.
100+ Funny Chocolate Cake Jokes (Chocolate Chuckle Bonanza)
I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger eating a chocolate egg.
I said to him, “I bet I know what your favorite Christian festival is.”

He said, “Have to love Easter, baby.”
Life’s always better with a good piece of cake.
A lollipop asks a chocolate bars pronouns. The bar says its prounouns are her/shey
How would you make a chocolate cake? By giving it a good scare!
How does a cake go on vacation? It takes a “crumby” trip!
Why did the cake go to the party with a flashlight? It wanted to “illuminate” the celebration!
What’s a cake’s favorite workout? “Cake-robics”!
Chocolate is like guns
. If you pull it out in school, then everybody is suddenly your friend
What type of Halloween cake is never on time? Choco-late cake.
My girlfriend loves to eat chocolate. She’s always eating chocolate, and she likes to joke she’s got a chocolate addiction. "Get me away from those Hersheys bars. I’m addicted to them." It’s really annoying.

So I put her in a car and I drove her downtown. And I pointed out a crack addict. And I said, "Do you see that, honey?... Why can’t you be that skinny?
What does Bigfoot say when he wants candy or cake?
 “Trick or feet!”
Know why I make my pot brownies with chocolate laxatives?
 For shits and giggles.
Why is the Toblerone chocolate shaped like a triangle?
 So that it'll fit inside the box.
A balanced diet means having chocolate cake in each hand.
I just got over my addiction to chocolate, marshmallows and nuts. If I'm honest, it was a Rocky Road.

Chocolate Cake Jokes One Liners

What do you call a chocolate cake? A dindonuffin muffin
Why couldn’t the woman find her Christmas cake? It was stollen.
Which cakes are the saddest? Wedding cakes – because they often end up in tiers.
What did the ice cream say to the grumpy birthday cake?
 What’s eating you?
Why do Jews like chocolate cake? Because its really rich
Why didn’t the cake make it on time to the party?
 It was choco-LATE.
100+ Funny Chocolate Cake Jokes (Chocolate Chuckle Bonanza)
Pardon me? Are you Chocolate Cake sir? That depends who's frosting?
Snowmen like carrot cake because it tastes like boogers.
How does the recipe for German chocolate cake begin? First, invade ze kitchen...
Happy birthday amazing cup cake wallpapers,chocolate cake pictures
Walking down the road last night, I passed an apple pie, an ice cream sundae and a lemon cheesecake.
 I thought, “The streets are strangely desserted tonight.”

Short Chocolate Cake Jokes

The dark chocolate cake we had at Christmas dinner was so unbelievably rich ... ... it actually benefitted from the Republican tax plan.
life is like a box of chocolates....
 it is destroyed remarkably fast by an emotional woman.
What did the cake say to birthday boy? You want a piece of me?
What kind of chocolate does the dryer like?
 Lindt Chocolate
I really enjoy a nicely deconstructed Black Forrest cake It's fantastic, I just leave out the cream, the chocolate, the sponge and the cherries, allowing me to enjoy the wholesome Kirsch
How is history like a fruit cake? Both are full of dates.
My friend says he has lots of chocolate at home I said "Jaffa cake?"
He said, "only on my birthday"
Why did the boy eat his homework? His friend said it was a piece of cake.
What do you call someone who would do *anything* for a chocolate snack cake? A h**... h**... h**....
(merry xmas!)
What do you call a cow with a stutter that makes chocolate milk?

Clean Cake Jokes

Q: What did the cake say to birthday boy?
A: Do you want a piece of me?
Q: Which ice cream flavor is always celebrating?

A: Birthday cake!
Q: How is history like a fruit cake?
A: Both are full of dates.
Q: Me: "Why does that emo cake cost so much?"
A: Bakery Cashier: "It cuts itself."
Q: Why did the boy eat his homework?
A: His friend said it was a piece of cake.
Q: Want to come by my place? 
A: I have cake up-stairs
Q: How do you know you’re too old for birthday cake?
A: When the candles cost more than the cake.
Q: Was your daddy a baker? 
A: Because you look like a cake, and I'd like to put frosting on your butt, and eat you
Q: What did the pastry say to the cake when they were in bed?
A: Crumbing.
Q: You know why I’m a baker? 
A: Because i love cake.

Dirty Chocolate Cake jokes

It’s my cake day, so here’s a joke!
what do you call someone that doesn’t masturbate?
A liar.
Would you rather sit on a *** and eat cake or sit on a cake and eat ***?
Interviewer: We meant questions about the job
Hey girl, is it your birthday today? Got me confused with all that cake you got there.
Give most people cake and they will eat it.
Give a Redditor cake and he will farm the everlasting shit out of it.
I always wondered why my gf brings cake and confetti when we have x....
Turns out she likes to celebrate the little things.
If you were a cake, which flavor would you be? You must be cheesecake because that’s the cheesiest cake pick-up line I know.
Cake Day Joke
It’s my cake day so here is my crappy cake day joke.
How do you get a nun pregnant?
By using holy condoms.
What do you get if you eat 3.14 cakes?
Fat. You get fat.

You were expecting a joke about pi? On my cake day?
For my cake day, I want to share a joke my friend told me
When I was born, god gave me the option between choosing the ability to finish stories, or having a big ***.
Obviously, I chose
Nobody will upvote a cake joke on my cake day.
Feeling desserted.

Knock Knock Cake Jokes

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Bert who?
Bertday cake!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Cupcake who?
Cupcake if you don’t throw a great party!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Candice. Candice who?
Candice be the white cake? I’m starving!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Uriah. Uriah who?
Keep Uriah on the cupcake, it’s about to be lit!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Anita. Anita who?
Anita piece of that sweet cake!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Candice. Candice who?
Candice cake fit any more candles?! You’re getting old!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Bacon who?
Bacon a cake for your birthday.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Lettuce. Lettuce who?
Lettuce eat cake, it’s your birthday!

Birthday Cake Jokes

Q: Why was the birthday cake as hard as a rock?
A: Because it was marble cake.
Q: Why does everyone put candles on top of birthday cakes?
A: Because it’s challenging to place them on the bottom!
Q: Can you tell me what kind of birthday cake an elf likes best?
A: Shortcake!
Q: What do people serve at birthday parties in heaven?
A: Angel food cake is the top choice, of course!
Q: What do they serve at birthday parties for saints?
A: Angel food cake.
Q: Why couldn’t the teddy bear finish his birthday cake?
A: He was already stuffed.
Q: Hey girl, is it your birthday today? 
A: Got me confused with all that cake you got there.
Q: Which cakes are the saddest?
A: Wedding cakes – because they often end up in tiers.
Q: Is there a time when a birthday cake is like a golf ball?
A: When you slice it!
Q: What do a birthday cake and a baseball team have in common?
A: They both need good batters.


Thank you for reading Funny Chocolate Cake Jokes. We hope you’ll find funny jokes about chocolate cake that make you laugh or share them with someone you love


  • Al-Ameen

    Al-Ameen is a content writer for Az Funny. He launched Az Funny to create a destination for you to visit anytime you need a laugh. Whether you’re looking for jokes, funny quotes, or funny names, Az Funny is the place to be. You can follow us on Pinterest or Instagram.

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