30+ Funny Brain Jokes

Here are “30+ Funny Brain Jokes“.

The brain is a complicated and necessary organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touching, motor skills, vision and hearing, breathing, temperature, hunger, and every process that regulates our body. For a good laugh, read the humor jokes about the brain.
These are some funny brain
puns that are suitable for children and adults.

Top 30 Funny Brain Jokes

What do you call a hat for a brain?

A thinking cap.
Why did the brain grab an umbrella?

It was brainstorming.
When does it rain brains? 

During a brain storm.
What is a brain’s favorite chess piece?

How do neurons communicate with each other? 

Using cell phones.
What does a brain say when it’s surprised?

Oh, synapse!
What do bad nerves end up doing?  

Joining a ganglion.
What does a brain host to acknowledge a significant event?

A cerebral-atory dinner.
What's the similarity between my brain and my computer's hard drive? 

Both are actively deleting memory and I have no idea why.
What did the brain say about sharing things?

What’s mind is yours.
What did the person say about their mind being constantly irritating?

It’s the brain of my existence.
Where do you go to learn about brains?

The hippocampus.
What kind of pictures does a brain often post to its Instagram page? 

When the left hemisphere disputes with the right hemisphere and cannot reach a compromise, what would it say? 

Let’s split.
How do you clean sulci?

Use mental floss.
Why are e-mails important for brains? 

Because they receive and send a lot of messages every day.
Why couldn’t the brain see?

There was brain fog.
When does a brain get afraid? 

When it loses its nerve
Which part of the brain is the most spiritual?

The amygdala-ai Lama.
Where do brain surgeons go to study? 

The hippocampus.
What chemical is released in your brain when you see something funny on the internet? 

What’s a brain’s favorite rock band?

What kind of fish performs brain surgery? 

A neurosturgeon.
What did the hippocampus say about the vacation?

I made a lot of memories.
What happens when your brain sees a friend across the street? 

It gives a brain wave.
What does a brain say to tell you to take your time?

Which kind of hat that a brain loves wearing most? 

It might be a thinking cap
Did you hear about the brain that stepped on a banana peel?

It slipped their mind.
What did the left brain say to the right brain to break up?

Let’s split.
What would a brain wear during a rainy day? 

It wears a cortex waterproof jacket.
What always gets on my nerves? 


Best Funny Brain and Neuroscience Puns

These additional amusing brain jokes are some of our favorite brain jokes and puns! that guarantee to make you laugh

How did the brain win a race?
It got a head start.

Perhaps you do not know this, but every brain love “wrap” music.

During the summer, the brain family often goes to a hippo-camp for vacation.

What do you call a hat for a brain?
A thinking cap.

What did the meninges say to reassure the brain?
I’ve got you covered.

Why did the brain grab an umbrella?
It was brainstorming.

What do you call a brain taking a bath?

Why can’t a brain be 12 inches long?
Then, it’d be afoot.

What do you call the main office of a brain?
The headquarters.

What do you get when you cross a brain with a light bulb?

A bright idea.

What did the brain say to the wind?
You blew my mind.

During the summer, the brain family often goes to a hippo-camp for vacation.

Brains are a funny thing… for example, did you know that if you tilt your head back and pretend you’re shaking salt onto your tongue, you will ACTUALLY taste the salt?

When a brain commits a crime, it will be put in a nerve cell.

When I get bitten by insects, one part of my brain is like “be smart, leave it alone”. The other part is like “Scratch that”.

The stomach is smarter than the brain. Because the stomach warns you when it is empty, the brain does not.

When we cross a light bulb and a thought, we have a bright idea.

My brain is like an F-22 Raptor. Aging, no longer in production, and spare parts not available.

What did the doctor say to the man who had an elephant sitting on his brain? It looks like you have a lot on your mind.

Why do brain cells grown in a dish attend the ballet and the opera? Because they are very cultured.

20+ funny Green Jokes ideas | humour, jokes

FAQs About Humour Brain and Neuroscience Jokes

Big Brain Puns

Funny Common Sense Brain Test

How quickly does information move in the brain?

Brain Information: The brain can move at speeds of up to 268 miles per hour. When a neuron is triggered, an electrical impulse is produced that travels from cell to cell. An interruption in this normal processing can result in an epileptic seizure.

What are the powers of the brain?

The most power of the brain is Water. The brain is composed of approximately eighty-five percent 85% water. Water provides energy to the brain, including cognition and memory functions. Also, Water is required in the brain for the creation of hormones and neurotransmitters.

How much of your brain is water?

80% is water. Roughly seventy percent (70% ) of our brain is water. As a result, even slight dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, lack of mental clarity, tension, and sleeping problems. So, With water constituting 80% of our brain, it is evident that we must stay hydrated.


Thank you for the reading: After reading through all of these funny, pun, hilarious jokes about brains, we hope you had a nice good laugh. If you’ve enjoyed these jokes, we believe you’ll love our psychology jokes!


  • Al-Ameen

    Al-Ameen is a content writer for Az Funny. He launched Az Funny to create a destination for you to visit anytime you need a laugh. Whether you’re looking for jokes, funny quotes, or funny names, Az Funny is the place to be. You can follow us on Pinterest or Instagram.

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