100+ Funny Clean Taco Jokes – Pun Kids Jokes

Are you looking for taco jokes and laughter? If yes, this article is for you. I’m sure you’ll love and enjoy our collection of funny clean taco jokes! Whether you’re looking for a fun way to share with your dad, kids, or friends, these clean taco jokes are perfect for you.

Here are the best taco jokes, puns, dirty jokes, knock-knock jokes, and other funny jokes about tacos for all ages.

Best Funny Clean Taco Jokes

Funny Clean Taco Jokes
Q: What’s the secret to making good tostada?
Answer: Taco your time…
Q: Why did the Mexican restaurant get such a great review on Tuesday night?
Answer: It was nacho average Taco Tuesday!
Q: What did the Krispy Kreme donut sign say on Taco Tuesday?
Answer: Don’t forget about us today, we have fillings too…
Q: Why did the taco chef stop cooking?
Answer: He ran out of thyme.
Q: When do you put french fries in tacos?
Answer: Fry-Day!
Q: Why do taco fish swim in salt water?
Answer: Cause pepper water is too spicy!
Q: We did the chef ask the unruly nacho?
Answer: Are you going taco-ooperate?
Q: What Tex-Mex food is good at math?
Answer: Inch-iladas.
Q: What do you get if you eat onions on your beans?
Answer: Tear gas.
Q: What do you call a taco that’s always on the go? 
Answer: A speed-ito.
Q: Did you hear about the Taqueria they put on the moon?
Answer: The food is good, but it has a terrible atmosphere.
Q: What do tacos do while drinking coffee?
Answer: They read the pepper
Q: How did the children enjoy their tour of the tortilla factory?
Answer: They had a spec-taco-ular day!
Q: What did the soft shell taco say when they wanted to cuddle?
Answer: Fold me close!
Q: Why did the taco go to the gym? 
Answer: To work on its salsa routine.
Q: What did the Taqueria chef say he did on vacation?
Answer: Taco bout what an awesome time he had!
Q: What do you call a taco that’s always happy to see you? 
Answer: A smile-ito.
Q: Whats better than a talking mouth?
Answer: A taco in my mouth!
Q: Why did the taco go to the dentist? 
Answer: To get a little guac and floss.
Q: Where are the best tacos?
Answer: In the Gulp of Mexico!

Taco Jokes for Kids

Funny Clean Taco Jokes
Q: What do tacos do on the weekend?
Answer: Spend quality thyme with their kids.
Q: What did the taco say when it saw its friend? 
Answer: “Shell-o!”
Q: Whats better than a talking mouth?
A taco in my mouth!
Q: What do you call a taco that’s always on the run? 
Answer: A fast food
Q: What did the taco mom ask her upset taco son?
Wanna taco bout it?
Q: Why don’t skeletons eat tacos? 
Answer: Because they have no flesh!
Q: Why did the taco get a job as a magician? 
Answer: It wanted to turn lettuce into guacamole.
Q: What do tacos say on St. Paddy’s Day?
Answer: Taco the morning to ya!
Q: What did the tortilla chip say when it saw the salsa? Answer: “I’m not scared, I’m just chili!”
 Q: What do you call a taco that’s always happy? 
Answer: A jolly-bell.
Q: Why didn’t Superman eat the nachos at tonight’s taco Tuesday dinner?
He’s afraid of that chip-tonight.
Q: What did the two tacos say when they bumped into each other? Answer: “Sorry, I’m a little shell shocked!”
Q: Why did the taco go to the gym? 
Answer: To work on its salsa routine.
Q: Why do tacos never get lonely? 
Answer: Because they always come in a party of two or more!
Q: What do you call a taco that’s always happy to see you? 
Answer: A smile-ito.

Taco Jokes for Adults

Funny Clean Taco Jokes
Q: What do tacos say on St. Paddy’s Day?
Answer: Taco the morning to ya!
Q: What do you call a small taco? 
Answer: A little shell-fish.
Q: Why did the taco go to school? 
Answer: To get a little guac-education.
Q: Why did the taco blush?
Answer: Because it saw the salad dressing!
Q: What Tex-Mex food is good at math?
Answer: Inch-iladas.
Q: What do you get if you eat onions on your beans?
Answer: Tear gas.
Q: What does a depressed tortilla say?
Answer: I don’t wanna taco ’bout it.
Q: Have you heard the new quesadilla joke?
Answer: Never mind, its too cheesy!
Q: What do you call a group of people who love tacos?
Answer: A shellabration!
Q: Why did the taco go to the concert? 
Answer: To hear the salsa music.
Q: What did the taco say when it saw itself in a mirror? 
Answer: “Shell yeah, I’m looking good!”
Q: Why did the tomato turn red?
Answer: Because it saw the jalapeño’s peño!
Q: Why did the taco go to the gym? 
Answer: To get extra salsa muscles.
Q: What do you call a fake noodle? 
Answer: An impasta.
Q: How do you make a taco laugh? 
Answer: Tick-le its meat!

Taco Jokes One Line

Funny Clean Taco Jokes
Taco Bell sure does know how to keep their secret recipe under wraps…
A new Mexican restaurant opened up this week… now it’s the taco the town.
A math teacher asked her sassy student “If you had 4 tacos and I asked for one, how many would you have left?” The student replied “well if your asking, I’ll still have 4”
Lou Reed was supposed to come over, but he had to taco walk on the wild side instead.
Mama would always say… “pack an extra taco, just in queso you need it.”
I invited my new neighbor to go out for some Mexican food… I hope we have something to taco bout.
What do you call a taco that’s been swept up by a tornado?  A taco-doo!
What did the taco say when it saw its friends? “Shell Yeah!”
What do you call a taco that’s covered in gold? A taco bling!
Why did the taco refuse to go out in the rain? It didn’t want to taco ’bout it.
Why did the taco break up with the burrito? It couldn’t handle the wrap.
Why did the taco go to school? To get a little bit wiser-yo!
Why don’t tacos cry? Because they’re all shell-berating!
How do you get a taco to stand up straight? Put beans in its shoes!
Did you hear the slogan at that new Taqueria? “7 days without tacos makes ONE weak!”
The tortilla rebellion ended quickly, but it was a hostile taco-ver.

Knock-knock Taco jokes

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Taco pizza.
Taco pizza who?
Taco pizza, let’s eat!
Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Banana who?
Banana split, but I’ll take a taco instead!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Tortilla who?
Tortilla me all your secrets, and I’ll share my tacos with you.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Pepper who?
Pepper your tacos with some extra spice!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Taco time.
Taco time who?
Taco time for some fast food!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in, it’s cold out here! I need some tacos to warm me up.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Taco who?
Taco ’bout a great knock-knock joke!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Salsa who?
Salsa little extra spice to go with your taco joke?
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Fajita who?
Fajita some tacos and let’s go!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Guacamole who?
Guacamole get some food!
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Waiter who?
Waiter minute while I bring you some tacos!
Knock Knock! 
Who's there? 
Avocado who? 
Avocado cold. 
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Taco who?
Taco ’bout a craving, pass me the hot sauce, and let’s fiesta!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Guacamole who?
Guacamole to bed; I’m full of taco goodness!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Chili who?
Chili out with some tacos and forget about your worries!

Funny Waiter-Waiter Taco Jokes

Waiter waiter! Theres a bee in my taco!”
“Yes sir, its the fly’s day off”
Waiter Waiter! Will my taco be long?
No, its will be round!
Waiter, this taco tastes funny!”
“Then why aren’t you laughing”
Waiter! What is the moldy stuff”
“Thats a bean taco.”
“Im sure it’s been a taco, but what is it now?!?”
Waiter, I ordered guac an hour ago, how long will the chips be?”
“About 4 inches each I assume”
Waiter! Whats wrong with the eggs in this breakfast taco?”
“I don’t know sir, I only laid the table”
Waiter, this isn’t a taco. It's got a hamburger bun!”
“I'm so sorry! No bun intended.”
Waiter! Theres a dead fly in my taco!”
“Yeah, they can’t take the spicy jalapenios”
Waiter! There is a fly in the salsa!”
“Don’t worry, the spider in your taco will get him”
Waiter! Why is there a fly in my taco!”
“I’m so sorry! I must have missed it when I picked out the others”
Waiter, what is this fly doing in the salsa?”
“Looks like the backstroke”

Short Taco Jokes

”Taco ’bout a dish that knows how to shell out flavor!”
"Tacos: The only food circle of trust you need.”
"Taco ’bout a delicious twist on Taco Tuesday!”
”Life without tacos is like no life at all.”
”In queso emergency, eat a taco!”
"Taco ’bout a fiesta waiting to happen!”
”Taco ’bout a wrap star in the culinary world!”
”Taco ’bout a party in your mouth!”
Can I stuff your taco with my beef?
Why did the taco go to the zoo? To see the salsa-monkeys.
What do you call a taco that’s always in a hurry? A rush-ito.
All I want to do is to eat tacos with you.

Funny Dirty Taco Jokes

Yes I am happy to see. And yes I do have some hard tacos in my pocket

You are the salsa of my Tacos. I cannot live without you.

Your smile lights up my inside quicker than spicy hot tacos.
Your taco meat looks spicy, can I stuff your muff?
Let's Taco about love tonight.
You are so hot, I want some of your juice all over my taco shells.
Girl are you a taco? Because I want to fold you in a blanket and eat you.
I got the beef, you got the shells, let's make some tacos in between the sheets tonight.
Do you like Mexican? Because you are frying my tacos now
Do you eat tacos late? Because my Taco Bell is open.


Taco is a traditional Mexican dish made with a tiny maize or wheat tortilla and a filling. Looking for a taco joke is the right way to brighten your day with a good laugh. In conclusion! Thank you for reading Funny, Clean Taco Jokes. We hope you’re finding clean, funny jokes about tacos that you can share with your friends or someone else.


  • Al-Ameen

    Al-Ameen is a content writer for Az Funny. He launched Az Funny to create a destination for you to visit anytime you need a laugh. Whether you’re looking for jokes, funny quotes, or funny names, Az Funny is the place to be. You can follow us on Pinterest or Instagram.

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